Caderas Martin

in figures

A clientele that is more
50 % international

50 %



Over 40 years of expertise in serving our customers!

45 years

of existence


More than 140 collaborators including 12 partners

+ 140






A constantly growing revenue:
€16.4 million in 2022

16.4 M€

in 2022


In a professional environment marked by a high concentration of specialists in the fields of expertise, consulting, and auditing and a tightening of the regulations governing the profession of statutory auditors, Caderas Martin is committed to the quality of its services and the high professionalism of its teams.

Fees are discussed in a straightforward, direct manner with all our customers. In an effort to provide the very best quality/price ratio, we work with each of our customers to find the most appropriate method and level of pricing for our services, fixed price, hourly or daily shift, in line with their wishes and in relation to the nature of the services provided.

Caderas Martin + agn International

International support

Carte monde

Follow us

Day 2 of the AGN EMEA Regional Meeting offered two key sessions: participants could explore #AI's role in accounting or focus on enhancing their firm's #ESG policy. Photos show the ESG session led by Pierre-Olivier Cointe, Johanna Rigter, and Zsolt Takács.

🚀😀🚀 Nous avons eu le plaisir d’accueillir 20 nouveaux collaborateurs parmi lesquels 12 alternants (dont 2 pour notre bureau bordelais), un stagiaire et 5 collaborateurs expérimentés pour le pool expertise comptable – audit, une assistance office manager et notre nouvelle RH.

Mid-morning at the AGN EMEA Regional Meeting, participants joined a session on "Attracting Future-Proof Accountants," while others attended an interactive AI workshop. The session shared insights and strategies from the "Road to Rome" program.
#AGNEMEARM2024 #FutureAccountants


Soirée d’été au Black Sheep Coffee pour Caderas Martin

Summer party at Black Sheep Coffee for Caderas Martin

We had the pleasure of inviting our teams to Black Sheep Coffee for our traditional summer party, a venue privatized for the occasion, offering the ideal setting for a memorable evening.

We’d like to extend our warmest thanks to all our colleagues who contributed to the success of this event, which combined conviviality with important updates about our firm.

The evening was marked by :

Congratulations to our two new Chartered Accountancy Degree (DEC) graduates.

They trust us!

Our suggested contents

Our expertise

The role of a chartered accountant requires producing reliable financial information, assisting the customer in its interpretation, and answering strategic questions for the company’s development. This is our job!

In a professional environment marked by a heavy concentration of providers of expertise, consulting, and audits along with a more rigorous regulation of auditors, Caderas Martin is committed to the quality of its services and the exacting professionalism of its teams:

L'expertise du cabinet
L'équipe du cabinet

About us

Founded in 1978, Caderas Martin is a deliberately general practice. Its cross-functional organisation based on assignments enables it to support companies of all sizes in all sectors of activity.

In a professional environment marked by a high concentration of specialists in the fields of expertise, consulting, and auditing and a tightening of the regulations governing the profession of statutory auditors, Caderas Martin is committed to the quality of its services and the high professionalism level of its teams.